Tentative Schedule

9:20AM - 9:30AM
Welcome Message by Professor Doheon Lee at KAIST
9:30AM - 10:30AM
Keynote Address by Professor Atul Butte at Stanford University
10:30AM - 11:00AM
Coffee Break
11:00AM - 12:15PM
Session I - Mining Clinical Data and Text (Session Chair: Professor Sael Lee at State University of New York Korea)

Exploring the effectiveness of Medical Entity Recognition for Clinical Information Retrieval

Refining Health Outcomes of Interest using Formal Concept Analysis and Semantic Query Expansion

A Prototype Application for Real-time Recognition and Disambiguation of Clinical Abbreviations
12:15PM - 1:30PM
Lunch Break
1:30PM - 3:00PM
Session II - Mining Biological Data and Text (Session Chair: Professor Carlos Ordonez at University of Houston)

Efficient Local ligand-binding site search using Landmark MDS

Pathway-Based Classification of Brain Activities for Alzheimer's Disease Analysis

Bayesian Variable Selection for Linear Regression in High Dimensional Microarray Data
3:00PM-3:30PM Coffee Break
(Session II resumes)
BSML: Bio-Synergy Modeling Language for Multi Component Multi Target

BoDBES: a Boosted Dictionary-based Biomedical Entity Spotter
Session III - Short Papers

Combining dictionaries and ontologies for drug name recognition in biomedical texts.

Breast and Prostate Cancer Expression Similarity Analysis by Iterative SVM Based Ensemble Gene Selection

Document Sublanguage Clustering to Detect Medical Specialty in Cross-institutional Clinical Texts